About Elizabeth

What It Was Like

Somehow, as a child, I picked up the message that if I just try really hard – I could accomplish anything. Even though it was a good message – it was incredibly incomplete.  As a result, I muscled through problems.  No way would I admit that life was hard.  Absolutely not. I was too busy putting on a show.

Then, small struggles got bigger – and bigger — and bigger.

  • I faked confidence while paralyzed with fear of failure in my MBA program.
  • Promotions and success in the corporate world totally defined my feelings of self-worth and racked me with anxiety.
  • Trying to help an alcoholic pushed me into enabling behaviors.  So, I worried and struggled to fix.  While they drank and struggled to destroy.

I realized … I was sick and tired of being sick and tired  I needed to change.  So, I sought out a Catholic Therapist.  And, what a blessing that I found a Catholic IFS Therapist.

What Happened

With the help of my IFS Therapist, I looked at my vulnerabilities and ineffective strategies that negatively impacted me in childhood and now backfired on me in adulthood.  By eliminating fears, toxic thoughts and behaviors that weren’t good for me, I shed an identity that was built on quicksand.  Surprisingly, I could embrace an identity that was rock solid: I am a child of God and no one can ever take that way from me.

Most remarkably, I began to accept the things I cannot change and to change the things I can.  Refreshingly, my life started to get better in all areas — wow – even in areas that I didn’t think needed to get better.

What It Is Like Now:  Happy.  Joyous.  Free.

I overhauled my outlook on life, eliminated false beliefs, eradicated negative thinking, changed behaviors and invited in healthy choices and options in decision-making.  As a result, I have a new relationship with God, my creator.  And, I cherish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Most importantly, I get through life with relative ease – even though life still happens.

What I Can Do For You

The same as what was done for me. If you’re thinking about therapy — then something must be going on.  Bring that to me.  Then, we collectively roll up our shirt sleeves and get to work.  So life can get better for you.

I was fortunate to have been trained in IFS (Internal Family Systems), a highly sought-after therapy that helps get to the root of the problem.  After years of training, I am credentialed at the highest level as a Certified IFS (Internal Family Systems) Therapist.

It doesn’t stop there.  I incorporate Christian Counseling and Catholic tenets into our work to bring a faith-based component into our work.  I am a practicing Catholic and my faith is of utmost importance to me.  Voila, I have been transformed into a Catholic IFS Therapist, helping clients transform into the person they want to be — transforming into the person God wants them to be.

This quote is a source of inspiration of how I embrace my work to help people change:

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

— Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Finally, I lead Team Cozy.  Cozy (my Certified Therapy Dog) roams the hallways with me in hospitals, hospice and elderly centers where he brings comfort to the sick, chronically ill and dying.  Above all, Team Cozy delivers God’s unconditional love through 4 paws and 2 feet.  He works his magic.  I’m merely there to hold the leash.

Peace be with you,
Elizabeth Galanti

P.S.  Credentials are boring – and necessary.  I have an MBA and a Masters in Counseling Psychology.  I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), working with clients in FL and NY.  My NY License # is 005486.  I am an Out-of-State Telehealth Provider in the state of FL (Registration #: TPMC3120). Click here to obtain more information about Florida Telehealth:   https://flhealthsource.gov/telehealth/

My business name is: Elizabeth Galanti, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, LLC.

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